What is Chasebox™?

Chasebox™ is designed to keep vital communications front and center. Setting Chase-ups is a great way to be proactive and make sure that you keep on top of or "chase" your leads as needed.

When sending a reply, you can create a Chase-up that will automatically appear in Chasebox™ after a set amount of days if a particular criteria is not met, specifically:

  • No reply
  • No milestone change
  • No reply or milestone change

When a Chase-up is due you will see the corresponding communication record in Chasebox™. Within Chasebox™ you can filter by Email Account, Milestone, Campaign, and Tag. As you manage your opportunities and send more replies, you'll have the option to create additional Chase-ups.

Chase-ups can also be created and edited from communications on Opportunity Details:

To enable Chase-up by default head over to My Profile. With this setting enabled, all outbound messages will automatically be set with your Chase-up settings, which can be adjusted or disabled for individual messages.