How Do I Inspect and Personalize?
'Inspect' is the first step of the Workflow process and is a way for you to review the opportunities that were discovered or imported for your campaign. You can view each individual opportunity by clicking the 'Inspect & Personalize' button and an inner browser will give you a brief overview of the page that was retrieved.
Our site preview feature allows you to navigate your potential opportunities from within Pitchbox. In the top right corner, you are able to:
- Go to the URL found on - takes you back to the page that was initially prospected after you have navigated within the site preview.
- Set this page as the URL found on - changes the prospected page to a new URL within the website.
- Copy to clipboard - copies the link to the URL to your clipboard.
- Open in a new tab - opens the website in a new tab on the page that you are viewing.
After inspecting the opportunity, you can move on to 'Personalize' it. Here, you will see all of the information that is currently associated with an opportunity. There is a list of contact information associated with the opportunity, which you can edit or rearrange at your discretion (for more on this, click here).
Additionally, there are personalization fields that have been automatically filled in by the system, or custom personalization fields that still need to be filled in.
Once all of your information is correct or incorrect, you have a few options:
Click on Mark as Passed or Mark as Failed
- Move to the previous or next opportunity
- Delete, Move to the Project Blocklist or, if you are an admin, Move to the Global Blocklist. For more information on the difference between Global and Project level blocklists, check out our article here! You can also move the opportunity to another Campaign or Project
- Hit the 'Submit to Compose' button to move that opportunity onto the 'Compose' stage of the Workflow. The next opportunity that needs to be personalized will pop up on your screen.