What Does the Red Flag Mean Next to an Opportunity/Contact?

The red flag displayed next to an opportunity is an opportunity crossover warning. This means that the opportunity already exists in a different campaign, either in the same or another project.


If you click on the red flag, a pop-up will appear informing you which campaigns that opportunity belongs to and what stage of the Workflow that opportunity is in.


Red flags are also displayed next to contacts. By clicking on the red flag, you will be able to view if you’ve previously reached out to that particular contact, how many times, and if they’ve responded.

Contact crossover.png

To filter your opportunity list with the opportunity crossover warning, use the Advanced Filter crossover=1 in the advanced filter search bar, to see all non-crossovers use crossover=0.

Related Opportunities, located on the Opportunity Details screen, provides more insight on crossover opportunities. This section lets you see key details about the opportunities, including: when the opportunity was added, where it exists, the status, and if it was added to a Blocklist. These additional details allow for the ease of collaboration within your team, especially when working with multiple projects.
