How Do I Compose?

When in the 'Compose' stage of your campaign, there are three options that you can use to compose a message.

1. Manually compose each message. Click 'Compose' next to an opportunity. The next screen will bring you to the text editor for you to compose, and then use the 'Preview & Send' function to preview your email with any personalization fields highlighted in yellow.

M Compose.png

2. Preview and Send. Select one, multiple, or even all of the opportunities in Compose and select 'Preview & Send.' A window will then appear prompting you to view or edit your message before hitting the 'Send' button. In this screen, you can see how future messages to the current opportunity will appear according to your chosen email sequence.

Preview & Send.png

3. Launch Automation Sequence. Select one, multiple, or even all of the opportunities in Compose and select 'Launch Automation Sequence'. This will instantaneously move all messages to the Outbox without showing any preview.


Please note: any opportunities that have 0 contacts, or opportunities that contain a Contact Form, will be ignored during the 'Launch Automation Sequence' option.