What is the Opportunity Details Page & How Do I Access it For Each Opportunity?

An Opportunity Details page contains all the communication history, contacts, notes, etc for any given opportunity you’ve reached out to in Pitchbox. There are many ways to access the 'Opportunity Details' page, so we're gonna highlight our favourite ones.

  • Opportunity Search Bar
  • Pipeline
  • Outbox/Sent Folder

The simplest way to get to this screen is to click the 'Search opportunities or contacts' search bar at the top of your screen. Search for the opportunity you are looking for and select the one you want. You will be taken to the Opportunity Details page for that opportunity.

Search Bar.png

You can access the Opportunity Details page while you are viewing an opportunity in the Pipeline. Click the 'Details' button in the 'Actions' column next to the opportunity you wish to view in more detail.

Opp Deets Page.png

You can also access Opportunity Details for each opportunity from the Sent folder. Click the 'Details' button.

Sent Deets Page.png

From the Opportunity Details page, you can edit Personalization Data as well as Contact Details. Click on Edit next to Personalization Data or hover your mouse over a particular contact and then click on Edit.