How Can I Manage My Unsubscribe List?

Do Not Email List

We call your list of unsubscribed contacts the Do Not Email List. The Do Not Email List can be accessed by admins on your account by going to ‘Settings' > 'Do Not Email’. 


do not email.png


Here you will see a breakdown of all email addresses and domains that have been unsubscribed. 

You can add specific email addresses or domains directly to the list. 


do not email list.png


When adding to your Do Not Email list you will have the option to unsubscribe from All Projects or from Specific Projects in your account.

Each contact or domain on the Do Not Email List will have a viewable record of information. 


Unsubscribe Request Rules

Contacts who replied with the word 'Unsubscribe' in the subject line will automatically be added to the Do Not Email list and will display with the reason, 'Unsubscribed.' 

Unsubscribe Request Rules can be adjusted at the individual email account level by the User/Admin that connected the email account. This can be accessed from Settings > Email Accounts, and then Security.

In addition, when manually unsubscribing from the Opportunity Details page, you will have the options to unsubscribe for All Projects or for the specific project the opportunity is in.

This action cannot be reversed. 


Force Opt-Out on the Account Level

At the bottom the Do Not Email list, admins will have the option to enable an opt-out footer for all campaigns across your account. 

With this enabled, users in your Pitchbox account will not be able to un-check the opt-out option when setting up templates for campaigns. Be sure to read the tool-tip that further explains changes to this setting and how your current and future templates are affected.

Please note: Pitchbox recommends that you and your team conduct your own research regarding CAN-SPAM.