How Do I Add a Link Placement in Pitchbox?

It’s now easier than ever to keep track of your 'Won' link placements in Pitchbox. When you mark an opportunity as 'Won' you will be asked to enter the type of placement, the URL (if it’s a link), any costs accrued, the overall value, and notes. 

To add multiple Won URLs click on the plus sign. Check the box next to Monitor Links to add your URL(s) to Link Monitoring. 

Win deets.png

If you’re reading this and have already marked an opportunity as 'Won' without adding the link placement details, there’s no need to worry! Go to the Opportunity Details page for that opportunity. Underneath Opportunity Information, next to Link Monitoring, click the pencil and you’ll get a pop-up. 

Link monitoring opp deets.png

You will be able to customize the Placement Type, enter the link URL(s) and fill out any information about the placement, and choose whether to monitor the link or links.