Client Report in Pitchbox

The Client Report is a great way for agencies to produce white-label reports to impress their clients and show off all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to acquire links and wins on behalf of the client.

To run a Client Report, make sure that you are in a specific project. Within this report, you have the ability to filter by campaign, time period, opportunity tags, and campaign tags. 

The Client Report displays the full life cycle journey for email outreach.

client report.png

  • Found Opportunities: Let your clients know how many campaigns were created (including multiple runs), the number of opportunities found, and how many were approved (moved from Inspect into Personalize). 

  • Personalized Opportunities: Display how many opportunities were personalized (moved from Personalize to Compose), the amount of contacts across those opportunities and the total amount of data points (personalization fields, contact info, etc.) that were reviewed. 

  • Emailed Opportunities: Present hard numbers for the amount of opportunities that were outreached, the total amount sent and across how many unique contacts. 

  • Won Opportunities: Show off your Wins. Let your clients see how many opportunities have reached the point where you can classify them as a win.

You can present visualizations that break down various types of important data. 


  • Sent: How many emails have been sent by outreach attempt number.

  • Campaigns by Type: What campaign types were used to conduct outreach.

  • Opportunity Milestones: A full overview of the status of your opportunities using milestones. 

All of this information can be downloaded as a PDF with the option to customize your report. Alternatively, there is the option to export this information as a .csv file by pressing the button above the table. 

client report table.png