Management Report

The Management Report is designed to provide an overview of activity across your account providing insight for campaigns, workflow, and outreach. The Management Report can display information across all projects or within a specific project.

Results can be filtered by any combination of Date, Opportunity Tags, or Campaign Tags. If you are within a project, you will be able to filter by Campaign.

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The colored circles underneath charts and graphs can be clicked to remove that data from the display. 

There is a lot of data to be extracted from the Management Report. All of this data can be downloaded as a PDF. 

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  • Campaigns: The number of campaign runs. New campaigns as well as individual searches/runs in a campaign will count towards this number. 

  • Outreach Emails: How many outreach emails were sent. Outreach emails include any attempts sent to contacts. 

  • Wins: How many opportunities were assigned the Won milestone.

Campaign types used.png

  • Campaigns by Type: A pie chart representation of the runs of each campaign type.

  • Campaigns Over Time: A graph representation of each campaign type run over time. Total for each type will add up to the numbers in Campaigns by Type.

Workflow actions.png

  • Workflow Action: Pie chart visualization of how many opportunities were moved through the Inspect, Personalize, and Compose stages of the workflow. 

  • Workflow Over Time: Graph representation of number of opportunities moved through each stage of the workflow over time. Numbers are cumulative.

Outreach by attempt.png

  • Outreach by Attempt: Pie chart visualization of outreach as broken up by 1st Attempt, 2nd Attempt, and 3rd Attempt. 

  • Outreach: Graph representation of outreach by attempt over time. Total for each attempt type will add up to the numbers in Outreach by Attempt. 

responses by attempt.png

  • Responses by Attempt: Pie chart visualization of the amount of responses to outreach emails by attempt. 

  • Won vs Lost: Graph representation of opportunities that have been assigned the Won or Lost milestone. 

The following charts are only available when all projects have been selected.


  • Campaigns by Project: Recording of the amount of campaigns created in each project.

  • Opportunities Emailed by Project: Amount of opportunities that have been outreached in each project.

  • Sent by Project: Recording of the outreach emails sent in each project.

  • Won by Project: Recording of the Won milestones in each project. There is the option to download a .csv file with win data.