Using Advanced Filters

You can use our Advanced Filters feature to quickly filter your opportunities in the Workflow, Opportunity Search and Pipeline. 

Use the search bar at the top of the list of opportunities and write an operator. Pressing the question mark '?' icon at the top of the opportunity table will display a pop-up summary of filter examples. Hovering over the column header will reveal the operator needed for the search.  

You can edit the data you want to view within these tables by pressing the table icon and checking the desired information. 

We have several different metrics that you can search by. The metrics available to filter your opportunity list depends on what screen you are viewing your opportunities from. 

Using the  ':', '<', '>' or '=' command symbols filters the metric information accordingly. 

  • ':' means contains.
  • '<' means less than.
  • '>' means greater than.
  • '=' means equal to.

Opportunity Search Operators


Filter by Project by using this search operator followed by the name of your Project. Alternatively, you can filter this information by using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.


Filter by Campaign by using this search operator followed by the name of your Campaign. Alternatively, you can filter this information by using the drop down menu at the top of the screen.

CT (Campaign Type)

You can filter by types of campaigns using this search operator followed by the campaign type.

  • CT:Blogger outreach
  • CT:CSV Import

OIP (Outreach in Progress)

Outreach in Progress refers to whether the outreach for a specific opportunity has finished or not. If an opportunity is in the workflow or sending outreach according to the email sequence, it will be marked with a Y. If the email sequence has finished due to receiving a reply or changing a milestone, it will be marked with an N. 

  • OIP:Y
  • OIP:N

WS (Workflow Status)

Workflow Status refers to the stage that an opportunity is up to in the workflow. 

  • WS:Inspection
  • WS:Personalization
  • WS:Compose
  • WS:Email Sequence
  • WS:Finished


Filter by milestone by using this operator followed by a milestone status. Alternatively, you can filter this information by using the drop down menu at the top of the screen.

DIM (Days in Milestone)

Days in Milestone tells you how many days an opportunity has been in its current milestone status. To use this filter, use the Days in Milestone operator followed by a number. 

  • DIM>15
  • DIM<15
  • DIM=15

DSLC (Days Since Last Communication)

This operator refers to the last time an email was sent outside of the email sequence. A communication is a manual email reply or an inbound reply. To use this filter, use the Days Since Last Communication operator followed by a number.

  • DSLC>15
  • DSLC<15
  • DSLC=15

DSOS (Days Since Outreach Started)

This data tracks how many days have passed since outreach first began. To use this filter, use the Days Since Outreach Started operator followed by a number.

  • DSOS>15
  • DSOS<15
  • DSOS=15

LCT (Last Communication Type)

The Last Communication Type column states what type of email was the last to be recorded on the opportunity. 

  • LCT:Outreach Email
  • LCT:Inbound
  • LCT:You Replied

The Chase-Up filter will tell you the status of a Chase-Up. If there is no Chase-Up connected to the opportunity, the cell will remain blank. It allows you to see if a Chase-Up is scheduled or past due. Hovering over the Chase-Up status allows you to see the date scheduled for the Chase-Up. 

  • CU:Chasing
  • CU:Past due

VC (View Communication)

The View Communication column allows you to see a pop-out of the communication happening with a specific opportunity by pressing a mail icon. Use the View Communication command followed by a Y to list all opportunities with existing communications. 

You can also search using your Custom Fields metrics on the Opportunity Search page. Visit this Knowledge Base article to learn more about our Custom Fields feature. You can add your own Custom Fields to show personalized data on your Opportunity Search table. The information in these columns is recorded when you mark an opportunity as Won, or by editing the 'Win Details' table on the Opportunity Details page - this data must be recorded manually. You can filter your opportunities with your own Custom Fields!

PC (Placement Cost)

Filter by Placement Cost by using this search operator followed by the price of your placement. 

CC (Content Cost)

Filter by Content Cost by using this search operator followed by the price of your content. 

PT (Placement Type)

Placement Type records the type of placement that has been Won. Pitchbox has a list of default Placement Types, but you can also add your own Placement Type from the Custom Fields page. 

WV (Win Value)

Filter by Win Value by using this search operator followed by the total value of your win. 

WN (Win Notes)

Filter by Win Notes by using this search operator followed by a keyword from your win notes, for example 'dofollow'.

TAG (Tags)

You can search by your tags using the Advanced Filter Search. Use this search operator, followed by the tag names you wish to filter for.

CROSSOVER (Crossover Warning Flag)

You can search for opportunities that appear several times in a project by using this operator. 


Pipeline Operators

DF (Date Found)

This metric records the date that the opportunity was prospected on. Use this operator, followed by a date, to sort through opportunities found within a particular time frame. 

Workflow Operators


You can filter by the number of contacts found within each opportunity by using this operator followed by a number. 

Integration Operators

You can filter your opportunities using integration metrics. You can connect your Pitchbox account to several different integrations to view more data for each of your opportunities. We support integrations with Moz, ahrefs, SEMRush, Majestic and more - visit your Integrations page to see what integrations are available to you.

Here is an example of searching for opportunities with a Moz Domain Authority over 30:
