User Roles Explained

Pitchbox has several specific user roles to best optimize your workflow according to the tasks various team members excel at.

Inspector: Access and functionality are limited to Inspection for specific campaigns the Inspector is assigned to.

  • The Inspector role is designed for team members who are tasked with qualifying opportunity lists for their team's outreach. They work only in the 'Inspect' stage of a campaign.

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PersonalizerAccess and functionality are limited to Personalization for specific campaigns they've been assigned to.

  • The Personalizer role is designed for team members who are tasked with reviewing contacts and filling in and reviewing personalization fields for opportunities. They work only in the 'Personalize' stage of a campaign.

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Inspector + Personalizer: Access and functionality is limited to Inspect and Personalize workflow stages of a campaign. 

  • The Inspector + Personalizer is a dual-responsibility role designed for team members who are tasked with qualifying opportunity lists, as well as, reviewing contacts and personalization fields for opportunities. They work in the first two workflow stages of a campaign only.

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The Inspector, Personalizer, and Inspector + Personalizers roles, are assigned to individual campaigns as collaborators. Collaborators can be added when creating a new campaign or can be added to existing campaigns under Campaign Settings > General. They also have certain privileges that can be adjusted by admins from the Active Users display.

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UserSelect access for projects, and controlled functions through privileges.

  • The User role is designed for team members who have a range of responsibilities such as creating and working on campaigns, managing the Inbox, generating reports, etc. They can access projects they've been assigned to, and have privileges which can be turned on/off.

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Admin: Full access to all projects, functions, and settings.

  • The Admin role is designed for outreach team managers and has complete access to every area of the account without any limitation. There can be multiple Admins on an account depending on the way your team roles are structured.